these Charlotte shows and especially Greensboro in the spring were some of the best shows in the post Brent
era.the new Charlotte Coliseum near the airport built in 1987=88 is already demolished ,and it was 26,000 or something like that in seating capacity and in '89 it sounded low to me compared to the Philly shows right before it .I thought maybe it was low because they were used to playing 17,000 seat approx. arenas, ,but on this tour they went from playing huge outdoor shows to a smaller yet Larger than average arena, and to these ears it sounded a lot louder than the '89 and had speakers hanging behind the board that were missing in '89 .I really thought they were gonna enter a golden age of great shows ,but by '92 Charlotte It was clear something was wrong although I heard some hot shows in 1993 , but didn't last. I mostly remember all the shows I went to were pretty hot and no one was saying it was bad until later reviews sometimes .Some shows that are hot aren't so hot on tape and shows that didn't seem that great live were great on tape